Friday, December 21, 2018

Vaychi 5779

“Haste like water, do not take more…” (Bereishit 49:4)
Rashi: The haste and the confusion with which you hurried to show your anger, like these waters, which hurry in their flow. Therefore you will not get the added privileges which had been due to you.”

Pane Relief

(From the book Dvar Chevron section I, siman 107)

David was in mid-discussion with a few of his roommates, when a three of his friends suddenly burst into the room.
Without waiting for an introduction, the three boys began to cry out “David, we need your help!”

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Miketz 5779

בגלל שיוסף הוציא דיבה על אחיו נגזר עליו להיות בבית האסורים עשר שנים (שמות רבה). מכל זה אנו רואין חמר האיסור של חטא הלשון
(שמירת הלשון, ח"ב, פרק ז)

Tomato Source

The students sat silently in their seats, their eyes riveted on their teacher, Rabbi David. They were eager to hear the resolution to the question which had developed, during the course of the lesson. Rabbi David’s voice rose in excitement, as the tapestry he wove before the class began to take shape.

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