“…and they could not speak to him peacefully” (Bereishit 36:4)
Rashi: From their disgrace, we learn their praise, [because this indicates] that they did not have one thing in their mouth, and another thing in their heart.
The Ceremonial Offer
Mazal tov! Shlomi and Tamar welcomed their sweet little baby boy into the world. Within minutes, Shlomi and Tamar were on the phone with their parents, sharing the wonderful news of the birth of their first child. After hanging up with his parents, Shlomi picked up the phone again, and called his uncle Avraham.
“It’s a boy!” Shlomi exclaimed.
“That’s wonderful, Shlomi,” responded Uncle Avraham. “That means that I’ll get to be the sandek!”
“Sandek?!” stammered Shlomi.