Thursday, December 28, 2017

Vaychi 5778

"ועתה אעלה נא ואקברה את אבי" (נ', ה')

Great recipe - wrong place?

In the early days of the State of Israel, there was a man who came to Kibbutz Na’an named Yakov Topor. He worked as a baker there and went on to become famous in the kibbutz, and eventually in many parts of Israel for his delicious cinnamon yeast cake. It became known as “Yankele’s yeast cake”.

Thursday, December 21, 2017

Vayigash 5778

Donate to Yeshivot or to Kiruv?

(from the book "טובך יביעו")

There was a very wealthy man, Mr. Levy, who gave many thousands of dollars to charity every year, to different yeshivahs. One day he was approached by a man, Yossi, whose organization does kiruv, reaching out to many non-observant Jews to teach them and hopefully draw them to Torah observance. Yossi asked Mr. Levy if he could also donate to

Friday, December 15, 2017

Miketz - Channukah 5778

Dilemma in the middle of the night

Yossi, a soldier, was allowed to come home for a night of Chanukah. After taking two trains and three buses from his army base, he managed to get home at one in the morning.

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